By: 28 October 2024
Leeds barristers raise £55,000 for children’s cancer research charity

Exchange Chambers presented a cheque for £54,786 to Friends of Rosie 

Exchange Chambers, a barristers’ chambers based in Leeds, has raised an impressive £54,786 for the children’s cancer research charity, Friends of Rosie.

The presentation of the cheque was the grand finale of two years of fundraising efforts by members and staff of Exchange Chambers. 

The funds raised will enable Friends of Rosie to fund a second year of specialised research into Proton Beam Therapy, a promising treatment for sarcomas in children. This cutting-edge project will begin its work at The Christie Hospital in Manchester this November. 

Friends of Rosie, a volunteer-led charity, was established to support pioneering research into children’s cancer. Since its founding in 1991 following the death of five-year-old Rosie Larkin, the charity has raised £2.75 million and funded 28 research projects tackling a range of childhood cancers, including neuroblastoma, leukaemia, osteosarcoma, and brain tumours. Its mission is to help every child with cancer to survive and thrive. 

Speaking at the cheque presentation at the Exchange Chambers offices, the Chambers’ CEO Jonathan I’Anson said, “Friends of Rosie is a fantastic, volunteer-led charity.  It has been a real privilege to support their vital work and to fund a second year of specialist children’s cancer research into Proton Beam Therapy.   

“I would like everyone at Exchange for making this partnership such a huge success. It has been a real team effort.” 

“The support we have received from Exchange Chambers over the last two years has been phenomenal,” commented Felicity Goodey, chair of trustees at Friends of Rosie. “We couldn’t get pioneering research like this off the ground without such support and we would like to thank everyone who has donated and fundraised as part of the Exchange Chambers charity partnership.  

“The difference it makes to children with cancer is huge.” 

Image: Exchange Chambers
Josie Geistfeld
Josie Geistfeld is Editor of Yorkshire Legal News. She welcomes comments and questions.