By: 10 February 2020
Lupton Fawcett launches HR consultancy

Lupton Fawcett has launched an HR consultancy to provide employers with one-stop support to meet HR goals or tackle a crisis.

The new team brings together employment law solicitors and CIPD-qualified consultants who will work together to tackle issues ranging from disciplinaries and grievances to restructuring and redundancies.

The service is aimed at small- and medium-sized entities without a full HR team, as well as larger companies that prefer to use external expertise.

Deborah Carr, HR director at Lupton Fawcett, who has more than 20 years of experience in HR, is leading the team.

She said: “We’re here to support organisations that might not have in-house HR support and require a specialist to guide them through challenging situations. We’re also here to help when your HR function is over-stretched and you need some extra help.”

“Our role is to manage the task from start to finish, minimising lost time and stress on all sides, allowing directors and managers to get on with the day job of running their businesses, confident that they have all the specialist information to hand.”

The HR consultancy also provides support around performance management, recruitment and talent management. It advises on disciplinary action, grievances and appeals and offers guidance on employment contracts and documentation.

The service is available as a standalone service or as part of Augment, Lupton Fawcett’s fixed fee employment/HR retainer service, which also includes training and a 24/7 helpline.

Elsewhere at Lupton Fawcett, newly qualified solicitor Sarah Proctor recently boosted the dispute resolution team in York.

Members of Lupton Fawcett’s HR consultancy and employment team: Alexandria Evans, Lucy Smyth, Angela Gorton, Andrew Gilchrist, Deborah Carr and Joan Pettingill