Blacks Solicitors provides interview experience for students in Leeds

Blacks Solicitors has helped University of Leeds law students with their mock interview scheme.

Each year, the university teams up with a local law firm to practise their technique and develop their confidence, ahead of any important training contract interviews.

This year the students were invited to visit Blacks’ offices to experience a 30-45 minute one-to-one interview. This was followed by 15 minutes of feedback, and tips on how they can improve, as well as an opportunity to ask any questions.

Paul Wragg, director for employability at the University of Leeds, said that the University was delighted to have worked with Blacks.

“Feedback from attendees has been highly positive, reinforcing our belief that this is a very beneficial exercise. We would like to thank Blacks for sharing their time and expertise,” said Wragg.

Paul Kelly, Partner in the Employment team at Blacks Solicitors, who oversaw the process said: “It was a pleasure to support the University of Leeds with this scheme, and we are delighted with the students’ feedback. We hope that a few of these promising students will consider applying to Blacks for training in the coming months.”