By: 14 August 2019
Switalskis sets £20,000 target for Children’s Heart Surgery Fund

Switalskis Solicitors has renewed its sponsorship of Children’s Heart Surgery Fund for a third year, with the goal of raising more than £20,000 for the charity.

The firm has raised more than £16,000 over the last two years through a variety of different events and initiatives, such as the Tour de Swits, which saw 15 team members cycle the gruelling 195 miles between 10 Switalskis offices in Yorkshire last summer, raising £10,000 in the process.

Members of staff at Switalskis have also held regular dress down days and a ‘wear red’ day. Most recently, more than £1,000 was raised through participation in the Leeds 10k.

Switalskis director Ranjit Uppal commented: “We are really pleased to continue our partnership with Children’s Heart Surgery Fund for a third year. Both our firm and the charity help vulnerable people across the Yorkshire region, and we’re keen to continue supporting the fantastic work Children’s Heart Surgery Fund does.”

“Our goal is to reach a fundraising target of £20,000. I’m excited to see how much we can raise in the coming year!”

Georgie Abbott, corporate partnerships manager at Children’s Heart Surgery Fund, said: “We are delighted to be extending our partnership with Switalskis Solicitors. They have raised an incredible £16,914 since 2017. We love working with their team of employees who are always positive and keen to get engaged in fundraising activities to support Children’s Heart Surgery Fund.”

“One of their directors, Sarah Cookson, took our Wear Red Day initiative to the next level by sporting a Teletubbies fancy dress outfit—she was a big hit on social media. From cycling to running events and designing bespoke Christmas cards, we’re confident Switalskis Solicitors can make anything possible, especially when it comes to fundraising to support babies and children born with a heart problem in Yorkshire.”

Pictured: Switalskis Directors Razia Jogi and Louise Noblet, as well as Georgie Georgie Abbot, corporate partnership manager at Children’s Heart Surgery Fund