Leeds Law School and the Access to Justice Foundation Yorkshire are delighted to announce that they are hosting the Leeds round of the Access to Justice Foundation’s national Great Legal Quiz.
The quiz will take place on Wednesday 29 November 2023 at 6.30 pm.
The quiz will be hosted at Leeds Law School, Broadcasting Place, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds, LS2 9EN.
Leeds Law School will be providing drinks and nibbles for the evening. The quiz will be team based and be entirely non-legal questions.
All funds raised at the event will be donated to the Access to Justice Foundation and prizes will be awarded for first to third place.
The Access to Justice Foundation receives and distributes legal financial aid for those in need of free legal assistance, or pro-bono work.
The Access to Justice Foundation’s 2022 annual report states; “Our grants provide vital funding to advice charities that are over stretched and facing unprecedented challenges so that they can continue supporting people facing multiple issues including homelessness, debt, poverty and discrimination. In 2022 we awarded 266 grants totalling £6.7 million to organisation.”
Tickets must be booked in advance through Eventbrite using the link https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/great-legal-quiz-leeds-2023-tickets-746972574077?aff=oddtdtcreator”