Yorkshire law firm Berwins has created the Carers’ Charter to recognise the invaluable work of healthcare professionals.
The commitment, which sees the firm unveil a raft of measures to support those working in healthcare, coincides with the 72nd anniversary of the foundation of the NHS.
The charter was designed by Berwins as an open source product and has been made freely available to other businesses, which are encouraged to sign up and show their support.
“The charter is rooted in Berwins’ long standing commitment to care and is an acknowledgement of the amazing work healthcare professionals are involved in,” explained Martin Whincup (pictured), associate director at the law firm.
“Like the rest of the nation, we’ve been humbled by the stories of outstanding care which have arisen during the coronavirus pandemic and we’ve been proud to join with our communities in saying thank you. We are committed to extending those simple acts of thanks beyond the immediate future; recognising that, just as that care will not stop, nor should our recognition of it.”
In signing the Carers’ Charter, Berwins will offer direct support in the shape of discounted legal services for healthcare professionals. The firm has also committed to raising awareness for healthcare causes and including support for healthcare charities in the firm’s corporate social responsibility policy.
The firm has also announced flexible working to accommodate Berwins staff who have healthcare workers within their families and time back in lieu for staff who give their own time as NHS volunteers.
Sarah Smith, managing director at Berwins, added: “The past four months has highlighted how indebted we are to healthcare professionals. While the support and care offered is beyond value, it is our hope that by making this commitment and offering other businesses the opportunity to do the same, we can recognise that in a tangible way.”