World’s first impartial robot lawyer is launched by one of Yorkshire’s top futurists

LISA, the world’s first impartial robot lawyer, has been officially launched.

The vision and brainchild of Chrissie Lightfoot, a futurist, entrepreneur and lawyer hailing from Yorkshire, LISA (short for Legal Intelligence Support Assistant) allows users to create legally binding Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) in less than seven minutes for free. By asking questions about the users’ needs, LISA intelligently drafts the document while helping them understand the legal and commercial principles on which it is based.

Lightfoot who is also visiting fellow at Westminster Law School and advisor to the board of The Daily Telegraph’s Digital Enterprise Network, said that LISA has been developed in collaboration with practising solicitors, and draws on decades of entrepreneurial, technical, corporate and commercial legal experience.

She said that LISA allows individuals and businesses to be able to use LISA to protect themselves without any prior legal knowledge. LISA is also the first law robot to provide unbiased and objective assistance to both parties, allowing users to avoid having to engage traditional human lawyers on either side.

By taking advantage of cutting edge AI technology, LISA is able to facilitate efficient and global access to legal services. The tool is already being used by individuals and businesses, ranging from students and educational establishments through to incubators, accelerators, academies, SMEs / SMBs, business associations, professional services firms and blue-chip organisations, across the world.

Lightfoot plans to expand the range of legal services available through LISA to students, businesses and consumers. She is also collaborating with the University of Westminster and Westminster Law School to further LISA’s capabilities.

Lightfoot said: “Our goal is to make every day basic legal services accessible and affordable to the masses of students, consumers and business people who are unhappy with, or overly reliant on, human lawyers and law firms. Many human lawyers are adversarial by nature, even when dealing with non-contentious matters. LISA’s aim is to negate the double time and double costs involved in relation to this human lawyer behaviour by being completely impartial when assisting the parties on each side.”

“We know that in the UK, 54% of all small businesses and 33% of consumers muddle through unrepresented when they should really be seeking legal help. In the USA and Canada the situation is even worse, with 80% and 90% of businesspeople respectively ‘making do’ without the help of a human lawyer. LISA is designed to enable these people, who do not have the means to protect themselves, to do just that.”

Adam Duthie, a solicitor and co-founder of Robot Lawyer LISA, said: “There are a range of reasons why people may not want to use a human lawyer, whether that’s cost, time, convenience or finding the prospect of visiting one intimidating.”

“LISA overcomes all of these issues. She’s free, fast, available 24/7 on any device and requires no legal knowledge or training by the user to produce a binding document that protects businesses and entrepreneurs. This is a service that will support students and businesses to grow and eventually aid the creation of jobs and wealth.”