Minster Law announces plans to move all Yorkshire-based staff to single-site operation

Personal injury specialist Minster Law will move all of its Yorkshire-based staff to a single-site operation in Wakefield during the course of the next 18 months.

The Yorkshire-based firm, which employs over 600 people, will complete the move out of its York site by November 2018 and bring the business under one roof at its existing office in Wakefield, which will be refurbished to enable it to house all its staff.

Newly-appointed Minster Law chief operating officer, Shirley Woolham, said that the business’ evolution had enabled the move to become possible.

“Over the past three years, we’ve embraced change in order to strengthen our business despite uncertainties in the personal injury sector,” she said.

“Improvements in open plan office spaces, streamlined management structures and agile working have all contributed to making a single Yorkshire site a reality.”

“All of these changes have been aimed at bringing our clients closer to the business and we believe that this is the next step in that process. Housing our Yorkshire team in one location and using the efficiencies this creates to continue to invest in innovative resources means we are able to deliver what our clients need through streamlined file handling processes and innovative online support functions.”

Minster Law managing director, Michael Warren, said that moving to Wakefield was an important step in his plan to transform the business into the UK’s “leading personal injury specialist”.

“We want to deliver continuous improvement in service and efficiency to provide the best possible claims journey for our clients and insurance partners,” said Warren.

He added that moving to one Yorkshire site would reduce overheads associated with operating two sites, which would provide extra resource for further investment. The firm has admitted that a “small number” of roles in the facilities team at York will be placed at risk as a result of the decision but the majority of all other York-based employees, who are happy to move to Wakefield, will retain their positions.

“Colleagues who choose not to move have 18 months to determine what’s best for them with a range of support being offered to help them do so,” said Warren.