More Thrive Women events planned following successful launch

Jodie Hill’s Thrive Women has more events planned following its successful launch earlier this month.

Thrive Women is a part of Hill’s ongoing mission to enable people to ‘Thrive’ in the workplace.

Hill has already disrupted employment law as a female entrepreneur with her own firm, Thrive Law, and as an executive director for mental health and safety solution provider Mente.

As a fellow of the Royal Society for Public Health, she has also been campaigning for better mental health and wellbeing in the workplace, with her petition to bring mental health to the top of business agendas receiving significant national media coverage and support from a host of MPs.

Hill’s latest venture, Thrive Women, seeks to create a community of innovative and ambitious women who inspire and empower each other and is fuelled by its ambassadors and members.

Members receive benefits such as access to quarterly events and a subscription to a members-only Facebook group, where they have the freedom to promote themselves and their businesses, to seek advice, share experiences and gain access to exclusive resources and regular interaction with inspiring ambassadors.

Thrive Women ambassadors are from a variety of business sectors, ranging from human resources professionals, online retail chief executive officers, finance gurus and event management and marketing geniuses, to give members diverse and beneficial advice and tips based on their expertise and experience.

The group will also create a bespoke journal for its members to track their journey with key challenges and tasks throughout the year to ensure optimum engagement.

Thrive Women’s launch event, which was held on 15 March in Leeds, saw third of the attendees subscribe to become members of Thrive Women on the day, while the remainder have committed to attending future events, commenting that they left feeling empowered and inspired.

The launch of Thrive Women commemorated 100 years of women practising law, while celebrating International Women’s Day, which took place only the week before.

It was a resounding success with 100% of survey respondents saying they would recommend the event to someone they know, according to organisers.

The event was held at Issho, with keynote guest speaker Lauren Riley (founder of The Link App and former BBC The Apprentice candidate). Attendees had the opportunity to win prizes such as afternoon tea at The Coniston Hotel and Spa, Opium Beauty gift cards, Neom gift bag and other goodies sponsored by Roccabox.

The aim of the launch was for Hill to interview and showcase a speaker with an empowering journey, with former solicitor Riley being an ideal fit, having now moved to develop The Link App―a successful business with investors such as current chairman Sir Nigel Knowles, a former managing partner of DLA Piper.

At the event, Riley provided a candid insight into the issues and opportunities facing female-led businesses, as well as tips on how to approach funding and pitching your business.

Riley said: “As a former lawyer and Leeds resident, it was great to be able to give back to women looking to advance in their career or take a business idea off the ground. Everyone needs support on their journey. I have been fortunate enough to receive that from some of the UK and Silicon Valley’s most experienced minds contributing to The Link App. It was good to share some of that advice and a lot of the learnings from our early days. The feedback received was very positive and I am sure Thrive Women will help many business leaders on their journey!”

Tickets are already selling fast for the next Thrive Women event on 28 June, which will focus on raising the profile of women in business and feature a panel of leading female journalists.

For more information on how to become a member of Thrive Women, get in touch with Khaleeqa Bostan via: